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星期二, 22 10 月, 2024

Terms of use

Terms of use 2023

  1. You must be responsible for the information and comments you publish on PapaMama.ca website. PapaMama.ca website reserves the right to delete any illegal or inappropriate information and comments, including but not limited to those that:
    • Violate Canadian law and the laws of the user’s place of residence
    • Contravene online ethics and good faith principles
    • Endanger national and social interests
    • Maliciously attack others
    • Violate other laws and regulations
  2. PapaMama.ca website is not responsible for legal disputes arising from inappropriate information as it cannot identify all such information.
  3. PapaMama.ca website reserves the right to remove information and comments that violate regulations, including obscene, reactionary, and personal attacks, which may be deleted or reported to the legal department for investigation if necessary.
  4. Information provided on PapaMama.ca website is for reference only and users are responsible for their own actions.
  5. Information and content from other websites linked to on PapaMama.ca website is for reference only, and PapaMama.ca website does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of such information.
  6. PapaMama.ca website is not responsible for the quality assurance of products, information, or services purchased or obtained through advertisements or information related to services on the website.
  7. PapaMama.ca website will not be liable if a third party uploads your text, pictures, music, or other works to the site without your knowledge or consent and causes infringement of your rights.
  8. Users are exclusively authorized to post content on PapaMama.ca website, and other websites are not allowed to repost without permission. PapaMama.ca website will investigate and will not bear any legal responsibility for any user complaints, prosecutions, or legal disputes that arise from unauthorized reposting.
  9. Users are asked to post information in the appropriate categories and columns. PapaMama.ca website reserves the right to delete information placed in the wrong categories for the normal development and operation of the website.
  10. PapaMama.ca website promises to keep the personal information of users confidential.
  11. PapaMama.ca website is not responsible for the inaccuracy or untimeliness of data that may be caused by communication facility failures beyond its control.